Human activity is creating an environmental crisis that, if left unchecked threatens our future. Clear Solutions has fully committed to finding a solution and through our ground-breaking technology we help clients and partners to operate in a sustainable manner.
Clear Solutions endeavours to raise funding for charities and causes that are close to the heart of the business. At Clear Solutions this is an ethic embraced by all members of the team and plays a big part in the company culture.
The Clear Solutions team have been known to put themselves through a variety of endurance challenges all in the name of fund raising for a good cause.
To achieve continued success we proactively raise standards to prevent injury and ill health to all employees globally. Since 2003 we have had zero lost time incidents, this is a direct result of our proactive approach to health and safety.
As a small tight knit company, Clear Solutions’ employees know each other very well. Therefore we take our Health and Safety very seriously as its not just our colleagues but our friends who are at risk. We go above and beyond to ensure our employees are safe and empower everyone to stop any activity or job if they do not feel safe.
Our Corporate Responsibility Policies govern the way in which we self-regulate our operations to ensure that we deliver our products and services in the safest and most environmentally responsible manner possible.
More than at any other time in the history of our industry we need to hold ourselves accountable for our actions and deliver sustainable solutions for the supply of essential hydrocarbons to the world.
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